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I. Bernache-assollant, ) is an associate professor in social psychology and researcher in the SPMS laboratory (EA 4180) at the same university. He has research interests in intergroup relations, sport team identification and identity management strategies

P. Bouchet, France) is professor in the STAPS department He is a member of the SPMS laboratory (EA 4180) at the same university. He has research interest in the social approach regarding the behaviors of actors (consumers, groups, and organizations) linked to sport consumption (event, tourism, and retailing)

S. Auvergne, PhD in counseling psychology from Duke University, USA) has research interest in sport psychology (motivation, causal attribution, sex roles, stress management)

M. Lacassagne, PhD in social psychology from Paris VII University, France) is a professor in the STAPS department She is also director of the SPMS laboratory (EA 4180) at the same university, She has research interests in intergroup relations, racism, and sport